Import Dicom Files

Hello to all!

Friends, tell me please, I use the python script “” to switch to postgresql.
Most of the data has already been transferred, another part of the data has not been transferred. The question is, if I re-run the script, then all the data that was transferred earlier, will they be overwritten or will the script simply skip them and start moving data that was not transferred?



Hello Oleg,

We faced a similar issue and solved by customizing DCMTK storescu program in C++.
Steps we followed are below:

  1. Read all the DICOM files in your present and make a string array of Study Instance UIDs and other required details.
  2. Check the PACS Server whether this study instance UIDs existing or not
curl [http://localhost:8042/modalities/pacs/find-series](http://localhost:8042/modalities/pacs/find-series) -X POST -d '{"PatientID":"0555643F","StudyInstanceUID":"1.2.840.113704.1.111.276
  1. If the study not available, push that study to PACS

Hope this helps.



The behavior of Orthanc in such a situation depends upon the value of the “OverwriteInstances” configuration option:


Thank you so much for answer!