Hi, my problem is , some larges series (. > 250 images CT ) can’t. download the system give back. error 14. , the. short series are. download. fine. to zip , some one. can’t. help.
Not sure if yours is the same issue, but check out this thread and make sure you are using a version of Orthanc after that update:
What is error 14 ? A curl error or some other error ? In Orthanc, maybe:
“Code”: 14,
“Name”: “CannotWriteFile”,
“Description”: “Cannot write to file”
This most probably indicates that a HTTP timeout is reached while generating the archive.
Make sure that the Orthanc configuration option “SynchronousZipStream” is set to “true” and that your version of Orthanc is >= 1.9.4.
On Orthanc <= 1.9.3, use the asynchronous generation of archives: