I can’t view a study, I see a crossed out eye icon. Can anybody help me? Some studies look good but others, as I am indicating, cannot be visualized.
Could be all kinds of reasons. If you are a developer, it might help to look at the browser web developer tools in the console or network tab and look for any errors or messages there. In my experience that usually happens when there are series with the same UID attached to different studies (i.e. a series exists in 2 or more different studies on your system). See this post for a more detailed description: https://groups.google.com/g/orthanc-users/c/nSBcMP_ri4o/m/W5te0Sn1BAAJ
It might also be due to the series being of a type that cannot produce a thumbnail, or otherwise cannot be displayed.
A sample configuration file for the Stone Viewer is available here:
Note in particular this setting: “SkipSeriesFromModalities”: [“SR”, “SEG”, “PR”]
I had an issue previously whereby the PR series would not display. You can exclude series in the Stone Viewer using this setting.
I think that there is still a bit of an issue with encapsulated PDF series when the Async request like:
https://localhost:8042/dicom-web/studies/StudyInstanceUID/series/SeriesInstanceUID/rendered?viewport=128,128, which throws a 400 status code in the console if the series has instances like:
0042,0012 (MIMETypeOfEncapsulatedDocument): application/pdf
HttpError:“Bad Request”
Message:“Parameter out of range”
OrthancError:“Parameter out of range”
Stephen D. Scotti, M.D.
I made sure that the series have a different UID and are not repeated in other studies.
Also check the value of “SkipSeriesFromModalities”: [“SR”, “SEG”, “PR”] in the viewer configuration file, everything is ok. I would rather know where the allowed Modalities are registered.
I still can’t see the study, if there is any additional contribution to solve this problem, I will be grateful.
Fernando Sánchez
If you haven’t already done so, you might want to make sure that you don’t have duplicated studies either.
It is possible on Orthanc do have 2 studies with different UUID’s but the same StudyInstanceID, or at least I think so.
If you also have the old Osimis Viewer setup, try viewing it in the Osimis Viewer and then the Stone Viewer. The Osimis Viewer might work in that case, but the Stone Viewer will show you the slashed eye.
Thanks Stephen for the advice, I’ll do as you say and see. In the same way, I see in the search “Query/Retrieve” a list of modalities and I do not see precisely the one of the study in question. Look in the Orthanc configuration file where to add that “modalitie” and I can’t find where. Can you tell me how to add modalities to the global configuration?
1- Regarding your original issue “I can’t view a study”, please provide a sample DICOM study so that other people can understand and reproduce your issue independently:
2- Regarding the configuration of the remote modalities, check out the configuration option “DicomModalities”:
You might also be interested in the “Understanding DICOM with Orthanc” section of the Orthanc Book: