We are currently working on a project of segmentation of bone from CT/MRI. We use ORTHANC on Windows 10 to store all dicom files. Use StudyInstanceUID+BoneName as 3D file name produced and store them on a hierarchy of web folder. User log into ORTHANC to locate the dicom study, copy down the StudyInstanceUID and navigate through the web folder to find the 3D Models.
We don’t have an effective way to store thousands of 3D files produced and link them to the dicom study. If ORTHANC allow us to upload non-dicom file type along side with the dicom study that will be great.
I have read through a lot of group post and cannot find a solution. There are some posts discuss about upload jpeg, PDF or video file. But the solutions doesn’t cover the file type we are using.
I also studied OrthancToolsJs, it is too complicated for me to set up. Thanks in advance for advice.
Indeed, Orthanc Explorer is a low-level interface that doesn’t provide access to user-defined attachments. As explained in the following page, you’ll have to create a higher-level Web interface on the top of the REST API of Orthanc: https://book.orthanc-server.com/faq/improving-interface.html
Regarding the last comment, is there a recommended way to setup a development environment for Orthanc if one wishes to work on some enhancements for the Explorer and otherwise ?
For the Stone Viewer I host the front end on my own server by using a proxy, which works well, but then any changes that I make are not so easily incorporated back into the releases. It seems a bit more difficult to setup the proxies for the Explorer, although I am sure that is possible. I use NGINX for a proxy server and web server.
I develop on a Mac using Docker Desktop, but production runs on Docker in UBUNTU. It would be really nice if there were some way to sort of do “live updates” somehow in a development environment without have to recompile code. Most of the work I would do would be on the front-end and then using Python scripts (could be migrated to C++ at some later date if a finished product).
I have some features on some of my other projects that upload files or webcam shots and “dicomize” them. Ditto for reports since I am attaching those as PDF’s. I do not use the attachments feature of Orthanc yet, but that is something that I would like to add as well.
That is interesting. That isn’t really clear to me. I take it that that is when running Orthanc from the host and not within Docker, although you could also probably do that from within a Docker container if you setup things ‘correctly’ by binding a Docker Folder to a host folder container the Orthanc Source from here:
Excellent ! I will give it a try. That is in my Docker compose root. I know how to setup the mapping. Is that all I need for both the OrthancExplorer and for Stone (WebApplicaiton), or do I need the wasm binaries for Stone also. I take it that Python Plug-ins are almost as good as C++ initially. Might actually start learning about the C++ plug-ins. Not sure if this is UTD, but helpful: https://github.com/mbarnig/RadioLogic
There might be some additional configuration needed for Stone because the config file apparently is loaded from the host, whereas I have config items for stone also in my orthanc.json.
Folder structure on host at root of Docker Compose file: