How to disable DELETE function globally?

Hello, is there a way i can set to disable the DELETE function globally?

p/s: ive tested using lua script ive found but it disable the DELETE operation as well as the SEARCH/FILTER function in Orthanc Explorer 2. I plan to only disable the DELETE operation.

regardless of any type of user (admin or doctor user), i plan to disable delete function globally.
I plan to use the Orthanc Explorer 2 interface for my use case. The interface is great but i want to disable the delete function because this server can be access by all staff in my clinic.

Anyone can enlighten me on this matter. TQ

Hi Fuad,

Here is some inspiration:

i want to disable delete button to
if you get soliution then share here please :slight_smile:


For OE2, you should check the "EnableDeleteResources" configuration.
For the legacy UI, this is not possible.

