How secure is site to site connections


My client needed to send dicom images across to an external company and that other company uses orthanc,

They requested us to setup a orthanc server on our end and connect to their server,

Then send scans to my orthanc server to then send across to the external company,

The port being used is 104 to connect to each site, I want to confirm that the connection between sites will be secure, and that no one else can connect to my server.

Hope you can help me clarify the security of the connections.

Thank you!

Since your mentioning port 104, you’re probably thinking about DICOM protocol. You should not do that over internet. It’s not encrypted.

You should use standard Orthanc peering or dicom-web plugin. And, of course, you should enable HTTPS to encrypt the data.
Here’s an example of a quite advanced setup in which you can find some configuration examples.