Hi Team!
I am trying to compress incoming images using J2K (AutomatedJpeg2kCompression.lua), and then once the study is stable, send it via the transfers accelerator plugin (From Sebastian’s code - https://groups.google.com/g/orthanc-users/c/lxmHpqiwF6o/m/dRLdUDANCAAJ).
But I am getting errors on using both these codes together. I included both the lua files in my config.json file. Each is working well independently, but together they lead to two main issues:
- Both old (uncompressed) and new (compressed) images being stored on the sender side.
- Some image compression failing
I am attaching the codes and the error log.
Any guidance would be deeply appreciated. Thank you!
PS: I have already tried googling and searching within the forums and have not found any similar thread. If there is one, please do point me towards it, and I will try to troubleshoot to the best of my abilities.
shareCompress.lua (1.64 KB)
shareSend.lua (515 Bytes)
Orthanc.log.20211205-011822.216 (13.1 KB)