Feature request: Please make VolView from Kitware the default visualisation plugin

The title is self-explanatory.

Why? Volview is faster and more complete than all the other visualization plugins, it’s also open source. Currently, it has to be installed and activated manually.

Hi Alex,

All viewers need to be installed and activated in the configuration and there is no such thing as a “default” viewer. So it seems that the title was not self-explanatory :slight_smile:

And BTW, best regards and hello are appreciated here too

Best regards,



Hello Alain

Thanks for your answer. The Osimis viewer is available as default once you install orthanc in any system. It does not have to be installed nor activated. So I consider this behaviour a default viewer. The request is more focused to have VolView in this same perspective as it is more complete, and faster than Osimis.

Best Regards


All the four viewer plugins (VolView, Orthanc Web viewer, Stone Web viewer, and Osimis Web viewer) are directly part of the Windows installers and of the Docker images.

They are all installed and activated by default in the Windows installers and in the jodogne/orthanc Docker images. The osimis/orthanc Docker images requires individually enabling each of them, as those images are more targetted at sysadmins, as explained in the Orthanc Book. There is no special treatment for any of these plugins.

Once the plugins are activated, they are all accessible the same way in the Orthanc Explorer 1 and Orthanc Explorer 2 Web interfaces. Again, there is no special treatment for any of these plugins. Or, in other words, there is no such thing as a “default viewer.”

Finally, VolView and Stone Web viewer are fully complementary. You might prefer VolView if you are focused on 3D rendering of one single series. But the Stone Web viewer provides multi-series teleradiology, and uses a very limited network bandwidth. There is no such thing as a “best viewer”, all of them are equally useful, this is a matter of use case.
