Failed to establish association

I am new to Orthanc, and on testing stage. I have successfully send dicom from one VM(sender) to another VM(receiver)(they can ping to each other)

now my collaborator want to send some dicom from their remote scanner to my local VM(receiver), but for some reason, I cannot ping to that scanner on VLAN.

Since my not familiar with network setting

My question is:

  1. Is there any specify setting for network that I need to let IT configure to make them ping-able to each other? Or do they need to be ping-able because my local VM is just receiver.

  2. I have enable --verbose on VM(receiver) but there is anything showed when they send, is it because they are not even connected to each other?

error from remote scanner(sender).


Total files to send: I: determining input files …

I: checking input files …

I: Requesting Association

F: Association Request Failed: 0006:031b Failed to establish association

F: 0006:0317 Peer aborted Association (or never connected)

F: 0006:031c TCP Initialization Error: No error


Thanks a lot.


The Orthanc Book contains a full guide to DICOM networking:

A troubleshooting is available as well:

It is possible that your IT infrastructure blocks the ICMP packets (that are use by the standard command ping). Please use the DICOM C-ECHO instead.

In either case, your question is about computer networks. Please get in touch with your local IT team who will be able to assist you.
