Error while modifying study tags

As long as a patient has only one study I can easily change the tag “Study Descrption”.
As soon as the patient has two studies and I want to change the Study Description of one of the studies I get the following Error message:
Error while modifying study tags: this patient has other studies. You should use Modify Patient tags function instead

But with Modify Patient tags I can’t change the study description of one study.
Any idea?

Hello Gilbert

This should not happen if you modify only the “StudyDescription”. Can you share an example ?



I share an example with the following documents:

  1. Screenshots of System Info
  2. Screenshots of Proc: changing StudyDescription
    follows in second post

As new user I can’t upload a *.txt of the log file

2nd post:


This is an edge case that occurs because PatientName and PatientBirthDate are empty.

I have filed an issue and will fix it next time I work on OE2.

Best regards,
