Dicom-Web Query Retrieve Configuration

Hi All,

Have managed to set up a Windows 10 based Orthanc server to receive ultrasound and echo studies. The studies are clearly visible in Orthanc if I click on “All Studies” but lists only the most recent 100 studies.
Having trouble using the retrieve function (see screenshot) using Dicom-web client.Screenshot 2023-03-09 200904.jpg
“There was an error connecting to Orthanc Server” is the message I get.
Would be grateful for any pointers!
Thanks in advance.

If you are using the Explorer 2 interface there are configuration options for specifying the number of studies to return:

“MaxStudiesDisplayed”: 100, // The maximum number of studies displayed in the study list

See the config file example: https://github.com/orthanc-server/orthanc-explorer-2/blob/master/Plugin/DefaultConfiguration.json

For the other issue using DICOM web, you probably do not have it configured completely. There are a number of things that need to be configured and setup there.

See: https://book.orthanc-server.com/plugins/dicomweb.html?highlight=dicomweb

Stephen D. Scotti, M.D.

Thanks. Figured out how to use the Orthanc-Explorer-2!