Hello -
I'm using Orthanc 0.8.5...
If I issue a query including NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances, Orthanc
does not return this value correctly:
Is that expected behavior? I can issue the same query against several
other DICOM servers and the value is returned as expected.
Do I need to modify my query in any way so that Orthanc will return
this value correctly?
Thank you!
Dear Erik,
Orthanc never modifies the content of the DICOM files it receives.
In your case, if the “NumberOfSeriesRelatedInstances” tag was not set by the modality that generated them, Orthanc will not construct a value for this tag. You can check the absence of this tag by having a look at “dcm2xml” applied to your DICOM file.
You can however use the REST API of Orthanc to get this information. For instance:
“ExpectedNumberOfInstances” : 23,
The “ExpectedNumberOfInstances” contains the number of instances that are expected for a given series of image.
Thank you, Sébastien.
I was under the mistaken impression that the DICOM server generated
that response. Thanks for clarifying!