Correspondence between an Orthanc identifier and an SeriesInstanceUID/StudyInstanceUID

Hi all,

I’ve read this documentation, but I still wonder :

Is there a way to get Orthanc identifier from SeriesInstanceUID and StudyInstanceUID?



maybe OrthancPluginLookupSeries and OrthancPluginLookupStudy?

The API has various way to do that.

The API has pretty complete documentation here:

curl -d ‘1.2.840.113745.101000.1008000.38179.6792.6324567’

% curl -d ‘1.2.840.113745.101000.1008000.38179.6792.6324567’
“ID” : “6b9e19d9-62094390-5f9ddb01-4a191ae7-9766b715”,
“Path” : “/studies/6b9e19d9-62094390-5f9ddb01-4a191ae7-9766b715”,
“Type” : “Study”


% curl -d ‘’

“ID” : “b4b79447-c5c2a0c2-89985adf-9656920f-cb0db5de”,
“Path” : “/series/b4b79447-c5c2a0c2-89985adf-9656920f-cb0db5de”,
“Type” : “Series”

Stephen D. Scotti, M.D.

Thank you Stephan!
It was on “System” > “Look for DICOM identifiers” part!

Do you know why the result is an array?
Is that possible to have multiple instance of the same dicom resource?

Those are the results (my fist post) from the first request. If you just append the “Path” from the first request and make a second request like:


you will get something like:

“ID” : “6b9e19d9-62094390-5f9ddb01-4a191ae7-9766b715”,
“IsStable” : true,
“LastUpdate” : “20180414T091525”,
“MainDicomTags” : {
“AccessionNumber” : “1909715”,
“ReferringPhysicianName” : “LEE^PETER”,
“RequestedProcedureDescription” : “PCT PET WHOLE BODY”,
“RequestingPhysician” : “LEE^PETER^^^M.D.”,
“StudyDate” : “20040721”,
“StudyDescription” : “Thorax^1WB_PETCT”,
“StudyID” : “4123274”,
“StudyInstanceUID” : “1.2.840.113745.101000.1008000.38179.6792.6324567”,
“StudyTime” : “100851.980000”
“ParentPatient” : “da39a3ee-5e6b4b0d-3255bfef-95601890-afd80709”,
“PatientMainDicomTags” : {
“Series” : [
“Type” : “Study”

If you notice,

“ID” : “6b9e19d9-62094390-5f9ddb01-4a191ae7-9766b715” and “StudyInstanceUID” : “1.2.840.113745.101000.1008000.38179.6792.6324567”,

The Orthanc “ID” / uuid 's are unique on Orthanc and specific to Orthanc, but it might be possible for that first query, the tools/lookup one to probably return more than 1 result.

e.g. 2 studies with the same StudyInstanceUID, but different Orthanc ID’s / uuid’s.

That normally should not happen, but could be possible if you “break” the DICOM model for some reason.

In fact, I think the Stone Viewer sort of “breaks” if you have StudyInstanceUID’s or SeriesInstanaceUID’s that are duplicated across studies. You’ll see the ‘slashed-eye’ icon for some studies.

It is pretty much up to you to adhere to the DICOM model in managing your archive.

Stephen D. Scotti