Connect Dicom client to Orthanc

Next question :slight_smile:

I pushed some images to Orthanc.

Now, I would like my Dicom client to view these images.

But I am getting errors. Do I have to change the configuration to allow

a client to query Orthanc?

Now, I would like my Dicom client to view these images.
But I am getting errors. Do I have to change the configuration to allow
a client to query Orthanc?

Orthanc was initially conceived to turn any computer into a lightweight DICOM store (i.e. a server that supports both Store-SCU and Store-SCP), to transparently organize the received medical images according to the patient/study/series/instance model, and to enable an easy access to DICOM images from any computer language through its REST API (e.g. to implement auto-routing or image analysis algorithms). Because of this, Orthanc 0.5.2 does not currently support the Query/Retrieve mechanism that is used by the DICOM viewers.

However, my work currently focuses on the implementation of Find-SCP and Move-SCP to support Query/Retrieve. This feature is the target of Orthanc 0.6.0 that will hopefully be available in the next few weeks… so you just have to wait a little more!

Please stay tuned, for instance by subscribing to our Twitter official account:


Thanks, Sebastien. Having Find, Move and Q/R in addition to REST will make orthanc
a very powerful solution. Looking forward to the release.

BTW, I notice that you would like to implement a FUSE for orthanc.

Have you seen this project?


BTW, I notice that you would like to implement a FUSE for orthanc.
Have you seen this project?

Thanks for pointing this interesting project, I was not aware of its existence!

Dear Aaron,

We have just released Orthanc 0.7.0. This major release finally introduces the support of DICOM Query/Retrieve [1].

So, it is now possible to connect DICOM viewers such as 3D Slicer, Ginkgo CADx or OsiriX to Orthanc, using the DICOM protocol.

