Compiling Orthanc on OS X


First of all, thanks a lot for everything you do.

Quick question. When I build Orthanc from sources on a Mac with OS X 10.13.6 for example. Will it causes issue when I run the executable on older OS X versions?
I mean, when I build with a specific OS X version, is it built to run on this OS X version only?



As explained in the build instructions, this depends on the value of “CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET” that is used while calling “cmake”:



So, according to the cmake documentation, this means it’s the minimum version on which the server will be able to run.
“Specify the minimum version of the target platform (e.g. macOS or iOS) on which the target binaries are to be deployed.”

Do someone know what target platform is used with the build provided by Osimis?

It seems like the value that is actually used by the Osimis continuous integration server is “-DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.9”

From my limited understanding of the proprietary Apple ecosystem, this implies compatibility with OS X >= 10.9 (Mavericks).


I think that’s a good minimum version.