Cannot access 0002,xxxx tags (DICOM File Meta Elements)


I’m trying to access the Transfer Syntax tag (0002,0010) but it doesn’t seem to be available. When I call:




I only see tags from 0008,xxxx onwards. Obviously:



Is nil.

I tried adding this to the configuration file:


“Dictionary” : {
“0002,0010” : [ “UI”, “TransferSyntaxUID”, 1, 1 ]


But I still get nothing. The DICOM File Meta Elements group (0002,xxxx) is a required group. Is there a reason why it wasn’t included in the dictionary, or is this a bug? I can’t even seem to add it manually. :frowning:



You are trying to access the header (meta information) about the DICOM file. This header is not part of the dataset content, and is thus not accessible by calls to “…/content”.

I have just push a change to provide access to the header of a DICOM instance:

With this change, you can retrieve the transfer syntax UID as follows:

curl http://localhost:8042/instances/9e05eb0a-18b6268c-e0d36085-8ddab517-3b5aec02/header?simplify

“FileMetaInformationGroupLength” : “200”,
“ImplementationClassUID” : “”,
“ImplementationVersionName” : “OFFIS_DCMTK_360”,
“MediaStorageSOPClassUID” : “1.2.840.10008.”,
“MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID” : “”,
“TransferSyntaxUID” : “1.2.840.10008.”


Once again I’m amazed at how responsive you are to community feedback. Reason # 452 to love Orthanc!

Thanks Sebastian, works like a charm!
