I’m trying to put these pieces of the puzzle together using the ORTHANC TEAM repositories.
- orthanc-setup-samples
- orthanc-auth-service
I intend to deploy to ECS, Fargates or App Runner from AWS. Some container service.
For this I thought about configuring Orthanc via Docker since I don’t understand anything about C, C++ and Build code. The most I’ve ever done is transpile TypeScript.
I’m almost finished but I have some questions:
What tag should I use for orthancteam/orthanc? Lastest-full, lastest, 24.5.0-full or 24.5.0?
What tag should I use for orthancteam/orthanc-nginx? Main or 24.2.0?
What tag should I use for orthancteam/orthanc-auth-service? Main, lastest, 24.2.0?
What tag should I use for orthancteam/ohif-v3? Main or 24.2.0?
What tag should I use in the dockerfile? nginx:1.11-alpine or 1.25-alpine?
Why do I need two ORTHANC? ORTHANC and ORTHANC-for-share?
Can I just use Orthanc-for-share?
My goal is to create a PACS that my clients will not use directly.
It is just a gateway for DICOMs to enter and be stored.
Then I would have routines that would look at the DICOMs and compare them with requests opened on my platform and link the DICOM with the exam via ORTHANC’s share link.
After all, if an order has a share link then it has an exam attached and can be sent to the doctor.
My idea is that the doctor would see the exam carried out by the clinic or hospital and then report it. Without having to look for the patient, without having to navigate through menus. Just click a button, open a new tab in the browser with OHIF open or another viewer (Default. It doesn’t choose.). When you finish reporting the exam, the system informs ORTNAC to invalidate the share link (if necessary).
Something like that I wanted to do.
But I honestly don’t know if it’s possible with the combination of services I made in my Docker Compose.
I know I still have a lot to learn so I’m looking for help.
Thanks in advance.
This is my current repository:
Is everything right in my logic?
If so, does it serve as an official example of how to raise an ORTHANC with all this information linked?
I would have no problem leaving this to the community if anyone wants to.