I've built the latest version and also updated the latest dicom-web code and rebuilt it, when it started orthanc with the plugin, it can start with no problem, however, if I stopped it, it gives these error:
W1203 17:41:15.308526 main.cpp:707] HTTP server listening on port: 8042
W1203 17:41:15.308619 main.cpp:630] Orthanc has started
^CW1203 17:41:38.144224 main.cpp:659] Orthanc is stopping
W1203 17:41:38.335384 main.cpp:712] HTTP server has stopped
W1203 17:41:39.417366 main.cpp:767] DICOM server has stopped
W1203 17:41:40.299433 PluginsManager.cpp:214] Unregistering plugin 'dicom-web' (version mainline)
W1203 17:41:40.300169 main.cpp:1174] Orthanc has stopped
*** glibc detected *** ./Orthanc: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0000000001f3d6e0 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
Note that if I disable this plugin, orthanc can stop with no problem.
Am using 0.9.5 and the latest dicom-web plugin (pulled today)